Director Nan-Song Chen picture

Nan-Song Chen
Education Attainment
  • Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Tunghai University.
  • Master of Health Administration, School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center.
  • Bachelor of Public Health, School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center.

  • Acting Director-General, Health Bureau, Taichung City Government
  • Deputy Director-General, Health Bureau, Taichung City Government
  • Director-General, Health Bureau, Taichung County Government
  • Director, Department of General Affairs, Taichung County Government
  • Deputy Director-General, Health Bureau, Taichung County Government
  • Secretary, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
  • Section Chief, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Updated:2023-05-23 PM 01:55:27
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